AK072 AK Interactive Set for applying effects WEATHERING SET FOR EARLY PANZERS (watering for early German tanks)

14$ 12$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: AK072

Manufacturer: AK Interactive

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

the Kit is specially designed for lovers of early German technology. The kit contains all the necessary mixtures for almost complete weathering. The kit includes a filter, flushing, and a mixture for applying strips of dirt on the famous Panzergrau. The only thing else I can add to the tank after the treatment – effects of dust and dirt.

Package includes:

-AK-069 Streaking Grime for Panzer Grey. (mud strips for Panzergrau).

-AK-070 Brown Blue for Panzer Grey Vehicles. (brown-blue for Panzergrau).

-AK-071 Blue Filter for Panzer Grey. (Blue filter for Panzergrau).

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