1015 Hobby World Board game "Game of Thrones. Second edition"
76 $ *
Inform* price for retail store customers
Additional Information
package Including
- Playing field
- Rules of the game
- 138 figures brigades
- 42 house maps
- 30 maps of Westeros
- 9 wild cards
- 24 cards of advantage
- 6 screens
- 90 order tokens
- 120 power tokens
- 18 influence tokens
- 6 supply tokens
- 14 neutral lords tokens
- 6 victory tokens
- 6 garrison tokens
- 1 Iron throne
- 1 Valyrian sword
- 1 Raven Messenger
- 1 round marker
- 1 wildling threat marker
- 1 Royal court trim
- 2 reference sheets
- card Size 57x89mm and 41x63mm.
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