AK1124 AK Interactive Set of acrylic paints GERMAN RED PRIMER SET (6 paints) (set of German red primers)

12 $ *


* цена для розничных клиентов магазина

5 0

Vendor code: AK1124

Manufacturer: AK Interactive

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Package includes:

-AK1125 Red Primer Shadow. (red primer, shade)

-AK1127 Red Primer Base. (red primer, base)

-AK1128 Red Primer Light Base. (red primer, light base)

-AK1129 Red Primer High Light. (red primer, tint selection)

-AK1723 Dust. (dust)

-AK1708 Dark Rust. (rust)

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Attention!!! Acrylic based paint is not frost resistant. When placing an order in the winter time of the year with temperatures below zero, this paint is sold without a return guarantee in case of loss of primary properties.

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