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350-024 Microcosm 1/350 Soviet submarine PR. 1710 (code "Mackerel»)

21 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: 350-024

Manufacturer: MikroMir

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

the Only submarine on prospect 1710 (makrel cipher) was built at the sudomekh factory in Leningrad. The SUBMARINE was laid on October 22, 1985, a year later it was launched and on December 19, 1987 it was put into operation. In the West, this experimental boat was assigned the index Beluga class. The main purpose of this ship was to conduct in-situ studies and tests in the field of propulsion, hydroacoustics and hydrodynamics in operational and emergency modes of movement of advanced high-speed boats, as well as checking the impact on the boundary layer of polymer solutions. Earlier in the USA (1953) was built the same PL "Albасоге" designed for similar studies. Submarine St. 1710 has dvuhkonusnyh design. The lightweight body is designed as a rotating body without a cylindrical insert with a length-to-width ratio of about 7:1. This form of contours provided optimal propulsive characteristics and minimal resistance to the incoming flow. Weapons boat had. The main power plant consisted of an auxiliary diesel generator with a capacity of 500 kW and a rowing motor with a capacity of 4,040 kW (full electromotive force was used), as well as an economic stroke engine with a capacity of 37 kW and two groups of batteries. To recharge the boat each time the boat had to return to the base. In the intercorporal space there was a system for supplying polymer solutions to the boundary layer to the light body, as well as to the propeller. The system included ring slit-like structures of the light body, a polymer paste storage tank, a solution supply pump with the necessary control and monitoring equipment. The ship provided for the possibility of changing the fairing of the main antenna GAK (to select the most optimal form). The main purpose of testing PL PR. 1710 was to assess the effect of polymer solutions in the boundary layer. Hydrodynamic resistance at the same time steadily decreased, and the speed increased while maintaining a constant power SEU. At the same time, it was possible to determine ways to reduce hydrodynamic interference with the HAC at high speeds, as well as to try out new methods of calculating propellers (at different times propellers of different designs were installed on the SUBMARINE), the acoustic field of the ship. After commissioning, the submarine PR. 1710 became part of the black sea fleet. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union was actively ispolzovalis for its intended purpose with the full-scale trials and studies in the field of hydrodynamics. In the early 1990's a long time teetered on fun. By 2000, due to the lack of intermediate repairs, the boat was in poor technical condition. In 2002, the SUBMARINE was excluded from the combat fleet and handed over for disposal.

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Сталь (Steel)
Черный глянцевая (Black)
Красно-коричневый (Red Brown)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

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