For the second time in a month we hasten to please You with replenishment of the range of paints " akan" )

Too much we like the properties of their products and a nice price that we can not share with You! So even "akan" has one of the widest product lines among manufacturers of paints!! Still in doubt, paint what manufacturer to take? And for good reason!

Follow the link and look closely at the thematic sets - all the necessary colors are collected in one place, which is very cool, convenient and cheaper than individually:


47310 akan set of acrylic paints " Modern aviation of Russia MiG-29, SMT, CUBE "(in a set of banks of 10 ml.)


Comrades modelers, breaking news! Brought You a truly cool new technology from " Takom" 

"Takom" has long been on the market of scale models and immensely pleases us with the quality of materials and a large number of parts at low prices! And all this can be yours! 
Hurry up to grab your piece of happiness and click on the link to place an order: 


And you can not worry about bad weather or unwillingness to leave the house-the cost of delivery is so economical that you will not even notice it!!!


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