Why dream of stars in the sky when we have our own?
After all, as you already could understand, to us profits long-awaited novelties from "Zvezdas"!

Rejoice, lover of the 13-14 century, because the "Zvezda" made a reissue of the figures of the Mongols! Long live the late middle Ages!!

And, of course, do not forget that the BTR "boomerang" has already gone on sale (sorry, haters, but it is really good)

Be in touch, Modeler, ahead of you waiting for more interesting announcements! In the meantime, here's a link to a cool miniature from your favorite stars:https://i-modelist.ru/catalog/model/miniatjury/zvezda.html


8076 Zvezda 1/72 Figure Mongols. Golden horde


But for myself I know how difficult sometimes, and a chore to shake over the assembled figure, trying gently to wipe away the dust..
And you know what? We are tired of this endure, and here is acquired new tubes for figures from firms "Model-Service"!

Follow our example - you will not need to spend a lot of time cleaning, and you will know for sure that the already collected beauties are not in danger!

Specifically, this novelty has a diameter of 145 mm, and a height of 74. Short? It does not matter, here on this link you can find a higher option ;) https://i-modelist.ru/catalog/883/Model-servis.html


MSTD80150 model-Service Tube on a wooden base for figures 74x145 mm




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