AMIG7110 Ammo Mig Set of acrylic paints I WW & II WW FRENCH CAMOUFLAGE COLORS (French camouflage of the First and Second World Wars)

21 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: AMIG7110

Manufacturer: Ammo Mig

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Set of acrylic paints for French ground military equipment of the period 1916-1940. In a set of six primary colors used by the French army. The combination of colors will allow you to get any desired shade. The set includes acrylic paints, which can be applied with a brush or airbrush. The paints are water-based, odorless, non-toxic. It is recommended to mix intensively before use. Each bottle contains a metal ball to improve mixing. As a solvent is best suited MIG -2000 Acrylic Thinner. Complete drying after 24 hours.


A. MIG-060 Pale Green

A. MIG-061 Warm Sand-Yellow

A. MIG-062 French Blue

A. MIG-063 Pale Grey

A. MIG-064 Earth Brown

A. MIG-065 Forest Green

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Внимание! Краска на основе акрила не является морозоустойчивой. При оформлении order в зимнее time года с температурой ниже нуля данная краска продается без гарантии возврата в случае утери первичных свойств. 

Краска акриловая, объем 17 мл.

Отлично подходит как для аэрографа, так и для кисти.

Производство: Испания.

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