AMIG7118 Ammo Mig paint Set WARGAME 1945 LATE GERMAN SET (1945, late German colors)

21$ 17$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: AMIG7118

Manufacturer: Ammo Mig

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

Set of Wargames series, with which you can quickly and easily paint a model of German ground military equipment of the final stage of the Second World War. The set includes three main colors. Acrylic paints can be applied with a brush or airbrush. The paints are water-based, odorless, non-toxic. It is recommended to mix intensively before use. Each bottle contains a metal ball to improve mixing. As a solvent is best suited MIG -2000 Acrylic Thinner. Complete drying after 24 hours.


A. MIG-011 RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb aus ’44 DG I

A. MIG-012 RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb aus ’44 DG III

A. MIG-915 Dark Green

A. MIG-916 Green Base

A. MIG-917 Light GreenA.MIG-014 RAL 8012 Rotbraun

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Внимание! Краска на основе акрила не является морозоустойчивой. При оформлении order в зимнее time года с температурой ниже нуля данная краска продается без гарантии возврата в случае утери первичных свойств. 

Краска акриловая, объем 17 мл.

Отлично подходит как для аэрографа, так и для кисти.

Производство: Испания.

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