AMIG0015 Ammo Mig RAL 8017 SCHOKOBRAUN (Chocolate brown)

3 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: AMIG0015

Manufacturer: Ammo Mig

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

high Quality water-based acrylic paintRAL 8017 Schokobraun, this shade of brown was used by the German army from February 1943 until the end of the war. Thanks to careful study of the manufacturer, modelers will be able to paint German tanks in the right shade without having to mix a few colors. The formula is specially designed for maximum performance when using brushes and airbrushes. Water soluble, odorless, non-toxic, completely dry in 24 hours. Shake before each use. < / p>

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Внимание! Краска на основе акрила не является морозоустойчивой. При оформлении order в зимнее time года с температурой ниже нуля данная краска продается без гарантии возврата в случае утери первичных свойств. 

Краска акриловая, объем 17 мл.

Отлично подходит как для аэрографа, так и для кисти.

Производство: Испания.

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