71081 Vallejo acrylic Paint `Model Air` Dark yellow tank / Tank Dark Yellow 1943
5$ 4$ *
* price for retail store customers
Additional Information
Model Air is a palette of liquid acrylic paints designed specifically for airbrushing. Due to its special formulation, durability, stability and covering power superior to the majority of acrylic water based paints. The pigment used in airbrush paints must have an ideal consistency to prevent clogging of the airbrush valves. The revolutionary pigment grinding technology used in Model Air gives the Modeler technical confidence and perfect texture when applying paint to the model, high quality is guaranteed when applying paint to small parts with a brush. Colors can be mixed with each other, diluted with water. The adhesion performance of the paint is very high on all surfaces, but the best results are guaranteed by the application on plastic, resin, steel and white metals. After applying the varnish, the resistance of the paint to abrasion is superior to most water-based acrylic paints. The paint is supplied in 17ml containers, the packaging protects the composition from evaporation and drying.
Объем 17 мл.
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