74018 akan Paint water-soluble Modulator of paints “Aqua” (allows you to change the properties of the paint and simulate various effects - increase the transparency of the paint, increase the matte and increase the operating time)
1 $ *
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the akan paint Modulator allows you to change several properties of water-soluble paints at the same time, namely , to make them of any degree of transparency with increasing matte and drying time.
How does it work?
the Bottle with the modulator should be thoroughly shaken and added to the selected paint AKAN in any amount. Maybe paint with the modulator will require additional dilution, then I recommend to add not more than 30% of water. Next, apply to the surface of the model in the usual way - with a brush or airbrush.
What is the difference from the previously proposed № 74023 and 74024?
the Main thing is that the modulator changes the properties of the paint, and the previous transparent bases did not change them, but increased transparency.
What happens when you add modulator # 74018 with AKAN paint?
Paint series No. 7хххх when you add a modulator number 74018 changing its properties. When applying paint with a modulator on the surface of the model (in any way), you can partially or almost completely wash off the paint with water. This can be done with a brush, a swab, a napkin, an airbrush, creating the effects of scuffs, blurring temporary paints with rain or in any way with water. It is also possible to make the paint as transparent or with a barely noticeable color and tint the selected areas of the model. Thus, you have a powerful additional resource for modeling various effects on the surface of the model with translucent and translucent layers with the possibility of partial flushing of the applied layer. The modulator increases the matte color and its viability in proportion to the addition to the paint. In other words - the more you add modulator № 74018 to the paint, the more transparent and matte it becomes and the more time you have to create various effects.
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