
Important information

3404 Eduard 1/32 Bf 108

30 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 1

Vendor code: 3404

Manufacturer: Eduard

Availability: Not available

Give feedback

The recommended paints
Белый матовая (Flat White)
Черный матовая (Flat Black)
Красно-коричневый (Red Brown)
Темно-зеленый матовая (Dark Green)
Светло-голубой (Light Blue)
Прозрачный красный (Clear Red)
Прозрачный зеленый (Clear Green)
Зеленый матовая (Flat Green)
Серый (Grey)
Темная сталь (Dark Iron)
Алюминиевый (Aluminum)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

Additionally, we recommend also purchasing

Vendor code: JX253
JX253 Eduard 1/32 Mask for Bf 108 TFace

10$ 8$

Vendor code: 632151
362151 Eduard 1/32 Addition to model Bf 108 wooden screw

5$ 4$

Vendor code: 634017
634017 Eduard 1/32 add on Kit Bf 108 LööK

8$ 6$

Vendor code: JX258
JX258 Eduard 1/32 Bf 108

7$ 6$

Not available
Vendor code: D32001
D32001 Eduard 1/32 Bf 108 national designations


Vendor code: 32971
32971 Eduard 1/32 Bf 108 Weekend

18$ 15$

Not available
Vendor code: 33260
33260 Eduard 1/32 Bf 108 steel belts


Not available
Vendor code: D32002
D32002 Eduard 1/32 Decal for Bf 108 Taifun

