6502 Zvezda 1/350 Flagship of the Invincible Armada Galleon San Martin

16$ 16$ *

* price for retail store customers

4 2

Vendor code: 6502

Manufacturer: Zvezda

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

Galleon San Martin, with 52 guns on Board and a displacement of almost 1000 tons, in the late 16th century was destined to become the flagship of the Invincible Armada. Then the legendary Galleon was defeated. But history saved the ship and its era. And today the elegant model of the famous ship can decorate any shelf. And players are given the opportunity to enter the Galleon in the game system The Ships and write their own chain of events of the late 16th century. The model will appeal to modelers and all those who are not indifferent to sailing ships.

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