70127 Vallejo acrylic Paint `Panzer Aces ' Set №4 Model Color Panzer Aces 8 colors

28 $ *

* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: 70127

Manufacturer: Vallejo

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

Color system developed in collaboration with the magazine "Panzer Aces" to reproduce the colors of the uniforms of the crew and the type of military equipment of the Second world in General. To simplify the method of coloring the crew of combat vehicles, the specialists of the magazine "Panzer Aces" created a series of colors which coincide with the standards of color uniforms. All colors of the outfit consist of a base color, and a lighter shade to highlight the desired areas and a deeper gradation. Three colors were chosen to simulate skin tone, as well as a series of colors to reproduce the scheme "Splittertarnmuster ", widely used in the German army. Each set includes specially selected colors matching those of world war II combat vehicles.

This set includes:

70.325 Russian Tank Crew I
70.326 Russian Tank Crew II
70.327 Italian Tank Crew
70.328 Japan Tank Crew
70.329 Highlight Russian Tank Crew I
70.330 Highlight Russian Tank Crew II
70.331 Highlight Italian Tank Crew
70.332 Highlight Japan Tank Crew

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