70102 Vallejo acrylic Paint `Model Color ' Set №2 Folkstone Specialist

73$ 62$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: 70102

Manufacturer: Vallejo

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

Model Color is a set of highly pigmented acrylic paints designed specifically for models and miniatures. The paint can be used on any surface but the best results are guaranteed by the application on plastic or polyester. Consistency model color allows you to apply the paint smoothly, uniform film, avoiding smears and brush marks. Professional modelers work with a wet brush, and dilute the paint with water or other suitable means, apply many layers to achieve the desired shades and color depth.

the water-based Formula was developed specifically to retain paint on surfaces such as metal and plastic, despite this mixture is not toxic, flammable and does not produce harmful fumes. Errors can be quickly eliminated by water. Drying time depends on the temperature and humidity of the medium, surface, and paint layer. In General, we can say that the drying time for touch will be a few minutes, but the moisture will continue to evaporate and the paint will reach the final stability only a few weeks after application.

This set includes 16 colors of 17 ml each. Set includes:

70.510 Gloss Varnish
70.520 Matt Varnish
70.842 Glossy White
70.843 Cork Brown
70.844 Deep Sky Blue
70.845 Carne Dorada
70.846 .Mahogany Brown
70.847 Dark Sand
70.522 Satin Varnish
70.856 Ochre Brown
70.861 Glossy Black
70.872 Marrón Chocolate
70.919 Blanco Imprimación
70.991 Dark Sea Grey
70.996 Gold
70.997 Silver

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