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TM35100 Thunder 1/35 Bergehetzer Late Special Edition

44 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: TM35100

Manufacturer: Thunder

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Combat practice has shown an urgent need to create a single machine instead of the accumulated numerous variants of ACS with their endless modifications. The diversity of the Park German assault guns came out of the German side: the mix-up in the tactical use of motley machines soprovides have constant difficulties with the supply and training of crews. There is a need for the unification of StuGов. The first this idea on high-level voiced Heinz Guderian (Heinz Guderian) in March 1943. The so-called program G-13 (Panzerjager) was launched. The new machine was to become extremely simple, cheap, highly mobile, efficient and suitable for production in large quantities. Since the German tank building chronically could not cope with the production of the required number of tanks, in order not to reduce the production of German tanks, it was decided to take the chassis of the outdated Czech tank PzKpfw 38(t) as the basis of the new machine. For the standard of adaptability took the tank Pz V Ausf. A, Panther (Sd. Kfz. 171): for the same man-hours that were spent producing one Panther had to do 3 new cars with equivalent firepower.

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The recommended paints
Ржавчина (Rust)
Древесный (Wood)
Песочный (Sand)
Коричневый матовая (Flat Brown)
Зеленый матовая (Flat Green)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

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