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83860 HobbyBoss 1/35 French Saint-Chamond Heavy Tank - Late

31 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 1

Vendor code: 83860

Manufacturer: HobbyBoss

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Saint-Chamond was the second French heavy tank of the First world war, manufactured from April 1917 to July 1918, In comparison with the tank Schneider CA1, Saint-Chamond was an inadequate design. Its main weakness was the "Caterpillar". They were too short relative to the length of the vehicle and heavy weight (23 tons). Later models, however, attempted to correct some of the tank's original flaws by installing wider and stronger boots, thicker frontal armor, and a more effective 75mm field gun.

Number of parts - 300+ PCs.

model Length - 265 mm

model Width - 102.2 mm

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