
Important information

32572 Tamiya 1/48 British tank Matilda MkIII/IV (1 figure, 3 coloring options)

26 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: 32572

Manufacturer: Tamiya

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Matilda was developed as a heavily armored infantry tank and was the main British tank in North Africa during world war II. Matilda swept Italian tanks and respectfully called the Germans "Queen of the Desert." During operation Battle Axe the lifting of the siege of Tobruk, in June 1941, occurred the famous case of the Germans 88mm AA-guns as anti-tank, since they alone were effective against the armor of the Matilda. 

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The recommended paints
Вороненая сталь (Gun Metal)
Серебро (Silver)
Черный матовая (Flat Black)
Коричневый матовая (Flat Brown)
Светло-голубой (Light Blue)
Насыщенный зеленый (Deep Green)
Земляной (Earth)
Серый металлик (Metallic Grey)
Красно-коричневый (Red Brown)
Черный полуматовая (Semi Gloss Black)
Телесный матовая (Flat Flesh)
Хаки матовая (Khaki)
Буйволовая кожа (Buff)
Пустынно-желтый (Desert Yellow)
Кирпично-красный (Hull Red)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

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