
Important information

WWT-007 Meng German Medium Tank PzKpfw V Panther

16$ 14$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 0

Vendor code: WWT-007

Manufacturer: Meng

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

the Tank was developed by the company "MAN" and January 1, 1943 was put into production. The creation of this tank marked a leap in the German tank building. The tank was armed with a new 75 mm tank gun with a barrel length of 70 calibers, an armor-piercing projectile which at a distance of 1000 meters punched armor with a thickness of 130 mm, and a sub-caliber projectile at the same distance - up to 160 mm.

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The recommended paints
Темно-желтый матовая (Dark Yellow)
Черная резина (Rubber Black)
Древесный (Wood)
Хаки матовая (Khaki)
Серебро (Silver)
Сталь (Steel)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

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WWT-007 Meng German Medium Tank PzKpfw V Panther

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