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5001 Takom 1/72 WWII German V-2 Rocket Transporter/Erector

43$ 36$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 1

Vendor code: 5001

Manufacturer: Takom

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

the Model of the German "weapon of retribution" was a ballistic missile "V-2". Propaganda of the Third Reich called it "super-weapon", which is able to change the course of the war.

the Germans used this missile to strike at Britain, most of it went to the British capital.

the First launch was made in 1942, and the first combat launch – in 1944. The V-2 ballistic missile made the world's first suborbital flight, rising to an altitude of 188 km.

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The recommended paints
Оливково-серый матовая (Olive Drab)
Черная резина (Rubber Black)
Серебро (Silver)
Прозрачный красный (Clear Red)
Черный глянцевая (Black)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

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