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35661 ICM 1/35 American car Model T 1917 sanitary

20 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 3

Vendor code: 35661

Manufacturer: ICM

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

One of the most popular and famous in world history was the car "Model T", produced by Henry Ford. In 1917, it became the base for the ambulance. The small mass of the car made it well adapted to off-road front strip. Until November 1918, 4362 model t ambulances were transported across the ocean. They became the most common ambulances of the allies during the First World war.

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The recommended paints
Белый матовая (Flat White)
Черный глянцевая (Black)
Черный матовая (Flat Black)
Оливково-зеленый матовая (Olive Green)
Хаки матовая (Khaki)
Древесный (Wood)
Сталь (Steel)
Серебро (Silver)
Прозрачный красный (Clear Red)
Ржавчина (Rust)
Серо-голубой матовая (Flat Grey Blue)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

Additionally, we recommend also purchasing

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035222 Microdesign 1/35 detailing Kit for Ford-T from ICM

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