
Important information

00930 Trumpeter 1/16 US M-ATV MRAP

188 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 1

Vendor code: 00930

Manufacturer: Т$ач

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Oshkosh M-ATV– machine manufactured Oshkosh Corporation protected from mine explosions and enemy ambushes. The design of the machine provides the same level of crew protection as the heavier and larger MRAP, but has better mobility and is designed to replace M1114 HMMWV.

Length: 386.3 mm

Width: 159 mm

Number of parts: more than 240

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The recommended paints
Песочный (Sand)
Черная резина (Rubber Black)
Сталь (Steel)
Прозрачный голубой (Clear Blue)
Светло-серый (Light Grey)
Черный матовая (Flat Black)

Внимание! Клей и краски в набор модели не входит.

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