
Important information

4644 Tiger Models 1/35 Russian SA-22 missile system

120$ 54$ *

* price for retail store customers

5 4

Vendor code: 4644

Manufacturer: Tiger Models

Availability: Are available

Additional Information

zprk "Pantsir-S1" is a universal means of fight against the air purposes having speed to 1000 m/s, at a distance from 200 to 20 thousand meters. The complex can destroy air targets at an altitude of 5 to 15 thousand meters. Also, it can deal with light armored vehicles, enemy manpower. This complex can almost instantly detect and destroy an aircraft, a helicopter, a cruise missile or a controlled enemy air bomb.
"Shell-C1" can be placed on a wheeled or tracked chassis, and stationary installation is possible. The complex is protected from interference of the communication system.
the Destruction of air targets is made by means of cannon armament and anti-aircraft missiles with infrared and radar homing.
Each vehicle has three radars: early detection and targeting radar, tracking and guidance radar, and passive optical radar.
target detection radar can simultaneously conduct up to twenty objects, transmit to the on-Board computer their coordinates and speed data. In addition, this radar determines the type of purpose and its nationality.

"Shell-C1" can conduct aimed fire while driving, which is beyond the power of foreign analogues of this complex. This allows the machine to more effectively cover the columns of equipment from air strikes.

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The recommended paints
Черный матовая (Flat Black)
Черная резина (Rubber Black)
Оливково-серый матовая (Olive Drab)
Защитный (Protective)
Темно-зеленый2 (Dark Green 2)
Черный глянцевая (Black)
Хаки матовая (Khaki)
Зеленый матовая (Flat Green)
Оранжевый (Orange)
Красный матовая (Flat Red)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

The configuration and appearance of the model are subject to change without notice.

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