
Important information

35289 Tamiya 1/35 Soviet heavy tank is-2 (1944), 2 figures, stacked and rubber tracks

55 $ *


* price for retail store customers

5 5

Vendor code: 35289

Manufacturer: Tamiya

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Is-2 (Object 240) - Soviet heavy tank of the great Patriotic war. The abbreviation is means "Joseph Stalin" - the official name of mass-produced Soviet heavy tanks produced in 1943-1953. Index 2 corresponds to the second production model of the tank of this family. During the great Patriotic war, along with the designation is-2, the name is-122 was used equally, in this case, the index 122 means the caliber of the main armament of the machine. Is-2 was the most powerful and most heavily armored of the Soviet and allied serial tanks of the great Patriotic war, and one of the strongest tanks in the world at that time. Tanks of this type played a major role in the battles of 1944-1945, especially distinguished themselves when storming cities. After the end of the war, the is-2s were modernized and were in service with the Soviet and Russian armies until 1995. Also, is-2 tanks were delivered to a number of countries and participated in some post-war armed conflicts.

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The recommended paints
Оливково-серый матовая (Olive Drab)
Серебро (Silver)
Черный полуматовая (Semi Gloss Black)
Белый матовая (Flat White)
Тёмно-серый (Dark Gray)
Серый металлик (Metallic Grey)
Красно-коричневый (Red Brown)
Вороненая сталь (Gun Metal)
Телесный матовая (Flat Flesh)
Хаки матовая (Khaki)

Caution! Glue and paints are not included.

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