
Important information

00308 Trumpeter 1/35 British Challenger ⅱ

31 $ *


* price for retail store customers

3 4

Vendor code: 00308

Manufacturer: Т$ач

Availability: Not available

Additional Information

Challenger 2 is an advanced main battle tank built by BAE Systems Land Systems (formerly Vickers Defense Systems and later Alvis Vickers Ltd). Challenger 2 works with the British army and the Royal army of Oman. the UK placed orders for 127 Challenger 2 tanks in 1991 and another 259 in 1994. In 1993, Oman ordered 18 Challenger 2 tanks, and in November 1997 ordered another 20 tanks.

Recommended paints from the manufacturer:

Flat black

Olive drab

Burnt iron

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